Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Fat Man

General comment;

It’s a dark book that contains lots of suspense and keeps you interested because of the way that the story is written. Its not the sort of book I usually read but it is definitely well written so I am glad that I am reading it.

What the novel has made me think about;

It has made me realise that bullying is not always just kids it can be adults as well. It has also made me think about the effects it can have on some people. Also about what life was like yonks ago in New Zealand.


  1. used yonks as well

  2. Nice responce to the book, I agree that its not my favourite book but it is interesting

  3. to messy wrighting... cant read...

  4. yes, it's quite a different childhood from the one we enjoy these days!
    Herbert was bullied as a child? You might think he would understand the effects of bullying -wouldn't you?????
